THE INVISIBLE MEN A Documentary film by Yariv Mozer
Director YARIV MOZER on a Tour in the US with THE INVISIBLE MEN
Meet director Yariv Mozer in the following screenings:
October 6 04:30pm Fort Lauderdale Gay & Lesbian Film Festival
October 8 02:00pm O-Cinema Miami, LGBT youth groups
October 11 07:00pm Miami Gay & Lesbian Film Festival special screening at Miami Temple of Israel
October 13 05:00pm Washington D.C. REEL Independent Film Extravaganza
October 14 04:00pm Washington D.C. JCC
October 16 07:00pm Hillel Towson University
October 17 07:15pm Seattle Lesbian & Gay Film Festival
October 18 06:30pm Hille University of Washington
October 21 11:00am The Milwaukee LGBT Film/Video Festival, University of Wisconsin
October 24 09:00pm Social justice film series - University of California, Merced
October 25 04:30pm East Bay International Jewish Film Festival
October 30 07:00pm UC Berkeley, The International House film series
November 8 06:00pm Purchase Collage
November 9 03:00pm UN special screening
November 10 06:00pm Other Israel Film Festival
November 11 07:15pm Princeton University Unified Film Festival from the Middle East
November 12 07:00pm Other Israel Film Festival
November 14 07:00pm St. Louis Hillel at Washington University
November 16 08:30pm St. Louis International Film Festival - second annual Human Rights Sidebar
The Film's North American Tour is supported by