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David Hockney, (born 9 July 1937) is an English painter, draughtsman, printmaker, stage designer and photographer.

An important contributor to the Pop art movement of the 1960s, he is considered one of the most influential British artists of the 20th century. 

The swimming pool scenes in the film are a tribute to his legendary identified theme of work.  

Amos Guttman   â€‹(1954–1993)

From 1977 to his untimely death in 1993, Amos Gutman directed six films, deeply personal reflections of his own life. Gutman transformed his dreams and everyday conversations with friends and family into integral parts of his pictures. He dared to portray subjects that were taboo in the Israeli society, and his search for the right of individual expression is the connecting link of his works. Gutman is most remarkable for his striking and original use of the frame. Every shot is a treasure.

The film Snails in the Rain is influenced by his films and dedicated to his memory. (Filmography: IMDB)


The film Snails in the Rain is inspired from the work of the following artists:

Death in Venice 

​Thomas Mann (1875 – 1955)

The novella Death in Venice was written by the German author Thomas Mann; The novella is powerfully intertextual, with the chief sources being first the connection of erotic love to philosophical wisdom traced in Plato's Symposium and Phaedrus, and second the Nietzschean contrast between the god of restraint and shaping form, Apollo, and the god of excess and passion, Dionysus.

Adi Nes​

Adi Nes (born 1966) is an Israeli internationally acclaimed photographer. 

The army scenes in the film are a tribute to his work. 

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